Friday, January 19, 2024

Social Media impact on student’s : Pros and cons by Gausiya N.A. Khan (T.Y. B.A.)

Library Week 2023-24 

                               Creative Blog Writing Competition    

                                            Winner  : -  Rank- 1st

                                                              Date :17th January 2024

Time : 10:00 to 11:30 AM

                  Name  of Participant :  Gausiya N.A. Khan    Stream   : TYBA




 The known and the unknowns !  The  greatest  invention in modern technology the century of social media, is a gift we have given to ourselves. Found someone nice in your class or workplace ? Connect with them on Instagram. This is the trend and fad of our lives currently. Social media provides an array of possibilities to people  in various walks of our life. Promotion of brands and broadcasting the news, all were a job of the televisions and radio’s . But now the giant called social media adheres to the needs of all, be it a student or  an entrepreneur or a government institution. In the recent decade, Societal horrors like the Covid -19 pandemic and the impending wars in the North and Middle east have been covered and published on the platforms like Instagram, Twitter ‘X’  and Whatsapp. People around the world are exposed to these subject and gain information on it. Unlike the television, where the opinions of people are unheard, Social media provides a platform for all  irrespective of their  geopolitical  situations.

Finding people of your interests and contacting them assertively has never been so quick and practical before. Social media answers to all and everyone benefits from its usage .

Though, on the flip side of the coin, the same factors that hails social media is also the cause of errors and crime. Children from a young age have started using social media and  this leads them to be exposed to content that is not appropriate for their age.  The cases of child predator have been increasing rapidly around the globe. As cyber crimes like this require specialists in the field and some time to track, such  cases are time consuming and justice is delayed. Cases of frauds by institutions posing as service providers and online shopping websites have become prominent in the recent years. Fraudulent websites are very hard to differentiate from the authentic ones and this is serious cause of concern today. Sensitive topics which majorly include the geo-political wars and the political scenarios in the world are being heavily  exploited an these social media platforms. Problems  of circulating misinformation rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner has led to the rise of hate crimes, especially in a culturally abundant country like ours. Orthodox  communism and regionalism have slowly sowed its seeds in the minds of the less educated sections in the society. Internationally, cases of racism has still  not been stopped.

The people today have become even more exposed to the social conditions which many times have not been positive  crimes against women hare now evolved and taken the form of online bullying.

Indecent information and data have been constantly leaked and the perpetrators are many times left at large as tracking such crimes is not an easy task, Trapping and blackmailing women on social media is the most popular type of crime that has emerged in the recent decades.

Social media by any means was not created for any negative usage . But in today’s times the negative effects of social media has become  a cause of concern for everyone.

Prudent use of such platforms is necessary and the need of the hour.


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Social media impact on student’s : Pros & Cons by Natasha Francis D’souza (SY BMS)

    Library Week 2023-24                                  Creative Blog Writing Competition                                           ...